Valentine’s Day Edit – The Secret to Staying in Love is Falling in Love Over & Over Again

In the past 5 years, I’ve fallen in love and not just once, honestly over and over again, but with the same man. The same man who spent a year asking me if I wanted to meet up with him and his dog to go for a walk, the same man who kissed me before…

January – The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

I recently told you guys that I would be reading a book a month for the next year and what better way to hold myself accountable to that than to write a blurb about each one that I read? The first book on my list was The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, aptly subtitled Or,…

My Favorite Podcast – Armchair Expert

If you’re already an Armchair Expert fan (an armcherry) then you already know that this Podcast is built like a brick shithouse, and I mean that as the upmost compliment; it’s real, it’s sturdy, and the quality – substantial; if you hadn’t listened yet, then I’m going to tell you why that makes you a…

Cooking with Joanna – Cooking My Way Through Magnolia Table

One of my resolutions for the new year is to read more books and as I’ve been cooking my way through Cravings, I’ve fallen in love with a type of book that wasn’t originally on my list, cookbooks, but even more so I’ve fallen in love with cooking. I don’t know what it is about…

January Beauty Update – My Hair Care Splurge

This is a quick PSA for haircare, for all lengths, but especially for that cute short, trendy, lob, which I’ve been happily wearing for a while; texturizing spray is life changing – it’s completely changed my hair game and a $50 gift card to Nordstrom just made me make a hair care splurge into the…

My New Year – Goals for 26 and Beyond

I think I said this last year, but I’m not much for a New Year’s resolution, because my new year doesn’t really start on January 1st, instead, it starts 27 days later, on my birthday, January the 28th. So, while I clinked a champagne glass and screamed “happy new year,” I saw the look of…

Mother Mary

When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.  There are days that my dad and I have everything in common, from our blue eyes, to the fact that he lost his father when he was young, and I am losing mine. My father…