My Before-30 List

Before I’m thirty, which all the sudden doesn’t feel so far away, there are a few things I want to accomplish. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts about the power of positive thinking and the power of lists, so I’ve decided instead of having these goals float in my head, I should put…

Valentine’s Day Edit – What I Got Darren

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Believe it or not, Darren and I have never ever spent a Valentine’s Day together and we’ve been together for nearly 5 years! What can I say? We both work retail jobs and the year or two we made late night dinner plans a snow storm got in our way. The…

Valentine’s Day Edit – The Cutest Cards

Hi everyone! Just a super quick post to let you know that all of my Valentine’s Day dreams came true. Firstly, I have to admit that I did bake an entire batch of cupcakes just to have a prop for these pictures. But, don’t you just love how pink and glittery Valentine’s Day is, forget…

My Birthday in NYC – Visiting The Color Factory

Last year for my birthday Darren and I spontaneously decided to spend a night in NYC and we had so much fun! I wanted to go to places I had only seen and dreamed about and screen shotted because of Instagram and this year I had a whole new list – including an art exhibit,…